Hospitals, healthcare facilities, and commercial buildings are under increasing pressure to reduce their water consumption and increase water efficiency as water becomes an increasingly precious resource.

While many hospitals have taken steps to increase water efficiency, there is still much more that can be done to get the water meters down.

In this article, we will explore some of the ways hospitals and healthcare facilities can reduce their water use and conserve this valuable resource .

Current Water Usage

According to the National Geographic, 40% of the country’s fresh water usage for agriculture, while another 32% is used for industry.

This leaves only 28% of our water supply available for households and municipal use, and that number is dropping every year.

As our population continues to grow, the demand for water will continue to increase, placing even more stress on our limited water resources and raising water costs.

The World Health Organization reports that water shortages could cause as many as 4.8 billion people to be without access to safe water by 2030.

According to the World Health Organization, currant water use for the average American hospital uses about 300,000 liters of water per day.

Water Meters

The first step in reducing water consumption is to track and monitor your current use to install water meters. Metering all of the water sources in your facility will give you a good baseline of your gallons of water usage so that you can see where improvements need to be made.

Potable Water

When it comes to conserving water in healthcare facilities, it is important to understand the difference between potable water use and non potable water use.

Potable water is water that is safe to drink and meets all regulatory standards for quality and purity. Hospital water use should use potable water to promote infection control. It is usually supplied by municipal water systems or private wells.

Non potable water, on the other hand, is not safe to drink and does not meet regulatory standards for quality and purity. It is usually sourced from , ponds, lakes, rivers, or underground aquifers.

Using non potable water when allowable can use less water a significant amount where it can be used for medical and practical use.

Water Conservation Methods

Hospitals and healthcare facilities are under increasing pressure to use lessen current water consumption as water becomes an increasingly precious resource. here are some examples of water saving opportunities to increase water efficiency and conserve water:

Water Efficiency

One of the easiest ways for hospitals to use less water is to install low-flow faucets, showerheads, and other water saving plumbing fixtures. Low-flow fixtures for hand washing can save a significant amount of water without sacrificing performance or quality.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, low-flow showerheads can save a typical family of four more than 17,000 gallons of water per year.

Reclaim Water for Landscaping and Flushing Toilets

Another way for hospitals to conserve water is by using reclaimed water for landscaping and flushing toilets.

Reclaimed water is waste water that has been treated and disinfected, making it safe for use in non-potable applications such as landscaping and toilet flushing.

Dual Flush Toilets

Dual flush toilets have two flush options – a full flush for solid waste and a reduced flush for liquid waste.

According to the EPA, a properly installed and maintained dual flush toilet can save a family of four more than 10,000 gallons of water

Water audit

A water audit is a comprehensive assessment of your facility’s water use. A water auditor will examine all aspects of your facility’s water use, from plumbing fixtures to irrigation systems, and make recommendations for improvements. A water audit can be a valuable tool in identifying ways to reduce water consumption.

Change Me Curtain® is another great water saving opportunity, as it does not require laundering for disinfection like traditional cloth curtains.

Use Change Me Curtain®

Hospitals can also reduce water consumption by using Change Me Curtain® instead of traditional cloth curtains.

Change Me Curtain® does not require laundering for disinfection like traditional cloth curtains. The non porous surface of the non woven polypropylene material makes it harder for bacteria to proliferate and makes disinfecting and recycling the curtains easy. Our quick change design reduces the time a medical staff spends in patient rooms,

Change Me Curtain® is a great way for hospitals to save water, money, and time. Implementing these water saving strategies can help reduce the hospital’s overall water consumption and operating costs.

Bannack Medical®

Bannack Medical® is proud to be a woman-owned company. We’re a team of innovators, thinkers, problem solvers, and doers. We collaborate with front-line healthcare workers and are passionate about making their day-to-day easier, solving healthcare challenges, one day at a time.
We create an environment free from the things healthcare workers shouldn’t have to worry about, so they can focus on one thing and one thing only—saving lives.
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